Heart Health Empowerment for Women
February marks Heart Month, and it's not just because of Valentine's Day. It serves as a crucial reminder to raise awareness about the leading cause of death among women worldwide. According to the Canadian Women's Heart Health Centre, a staggering 24,000 Canadian women succumb to heart disease annually—nearly 5 times more than breast cancer-related deaths.
While some risk factors like ethnic background, specific life stages such as pregnancy and menopause, and genetic factors are beyond our control, there's a pivotal factor we can influence: taking care of ourselves. Often overlooked amid busy schedules and caregiving responsibilities, prioritizing our well-being is essential—for ourselves, our mothers, sisters, daughters, and families at large.
Me and my 2 favourite women in the world! My mom and my daughter Sophia.
Empowering women to prevent and reduce their risk of heart disease and stroke involves adopting key lifestyle choices:
Quit or stay smoke-free: Steer clear of smoking and vaping.
Maintain a healthy body weight: Strive to achieve and sustain a weight that supports overall well-being.
Stay physically active: Aim for at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate- to vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week, think 30 minutes a day for five days.
Reduce sedentary time: Incorporate regular movement into daily activities to minimize sedentary behavior.
Manage blood pressure: Make the lifestyle changes above, and use medication if necessary to maintain a healthy blood pressure.
Adopt a nutritious diet: Embrace a well-rounded diet comprising lean proteins, fibre-rich foods, and healthy fats while avoiding highly processed foods.
Taking these proactive steps can significantly contribute to a healthier heart and a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. Let's make self-care a priority not only for ourselves but for the well-being of our loved ones. This Heart Month, let's commit to better heart health and inspire those around us to do the same.
Read more about the connection between menopause and heart disease risks here.